Ergates [er-gah-teez] is a 3d game-like audiovisual synthesiser which uses a usb gamepad as the primary control mechanism. The visual and aural representations of the data from the gamepad are tightly coupled so that any change in the visual representation is reflected closely in the audio representation. It runs in the puredata patching environment using the GEM & Zexy external libraries, but does not require any knowledge of puredata to play. It uses python and pygame to acquire data from a usb gamepad. Ergates aims to be fun, Free, and easy to contribute to.

Ergates [er-gah-teez] is a 3d game-like audiovisual synthesiser which uses a usb gamepad as the primary control mechanism. The visual and aural representations of the data from the gamepad are tightly coupled so that any change in the visual representation is reflected closely in the audio representation. It runs in the puredata patching environment using the GEM & Zexy external libraries, but does not require any knowledge of puredata to play. It uses python and pygame to acquire data from a usb gamepad. Ergates aims to be fun, Free, and easy to contribute to.