Oct. 20, 2014


Accepts bitclam payments via QR scan to nominated address and displays the total. Vibrates when payment is made and the total updates. Imagine one of those roadside vendors from Bladerunner accepting payment in this way. Sourcecode on GitHub.

Oct. 14, 2014

I should probably post more on here about the thing I spend most of my time doing - writing code.

RSS Image Feed Picture Frame is a little piece of software I finished recently. You give it a list of RSS/tumblr feeds that have nice graphics as their content and it will display a random image from one of the feeds. There is a small daemon which displays just the images full screen and fades between them.

The idea is to run it as a lightweight "picture frame" app for example on a Raspberry Pi powered HDMI screen hanging on your wall.

Oct. 5, 2014

02 03 06 chris-venice.jpg 16 24 28 33 35 38 42 44 46 53 54 49 59 63 67 70 71 78 80 89 103 116

Aug. 26, 2014


Highgate Cemetery, London, UK, 2014.

Aug. 16, 2014
