July 28, 2011


July 26, 2011

I wrote this game in a few hours today using jsGamesoup.

Is it fun? I would like to know what you think.

(Inspired by SpoutDS).

June 25, 2011

Guitar amplifier

That's right, the jsGameSoup library now plays sound effects samples on all supported platforms, right back to Internet Explorer 6. I also registered the domain name jsgamesoup.net - hooray!

With graphics and sprite animation, collisions, random number generation, sound effects, vector math, physics, and network, I think we pretty much have developing games for the web covered.

Enjoy, and remember to view the source!

June 17, 2011

I've updated the jsGameSoup project with a couple of new demos showing how to integrate it with some 3rd party libraries that are useful for making video games.

The first demo shows how to integrate the sylvester.js library. This is a great little single-file Javascript library that covers the basic vector and matrix math nicely. Check out the attractors demo, and don't forget to view source!

Vector math with Sylvester screenshot

The second demo was created by Nick Lowe and it shows off the Box2d.js physics engine integrated with jsGameSoup. Check it out! I'm really happy to have such a robust and popular 2d physics engine working along side jsGameSoup in the browser. Great stuff!

June 12, 2011

jsGameSoup logo I've made some updates to the jsGameSoup documentation, specifically the quickstart instructions and also how to get things working under older versions of Internet Explorer. Check it out if you are making video games on the web and you love freedom! :)