March 9, 2012


Feb. 1, 2012

Here is what I ended up with at the end of GGJ 2012. I've cleaned it up a bit, got it working under Internet Explorer (mostly) and put it online here.

Screen shot of commit 31

I ended up with more of a virtual world or virtual ecosystem than a video game. I ran out of time to put probably the most important thing into the game - game mechanics. Also no time for sound, the player has very little agency in the world, and there are no win or lose conditions.

Overall it was a lot of fun to build though, and I got some pretty neat new technology for jsGameSoup out of it, namely the isometric camera library, and a lightweight vector math library.

GGJ was also really fun just because of the social aspect of being crammed into a room with like minded people for 48 hours. Can't wait for next year!

Jan. 29, 2012

End of Saturday night, day two:

The Cycle - day two

Got some sleep. Lots of on the TODO list for today. About 7 hours left. :)

Jan. 28, 2012

The theme is "Ouroboros". Progress as at midnight day 1:

The Cycle - title screen

The Cycle - current gameplay

I have a reasonably concrete idea of where I am going. Hopefully there will be time to iterate on my idea and "find the fun".

Jan. 27, 2012

I am ready for Global Game Jam, Perth 2012!

Not going to globalgamejam? Check out Wai-con - it was a lot of fun last year and the costumes and atmosphere are enjoyable even if you are not that into anime.

PS I'll probably throw on a little bit of Disasterpeace too. :)