Sept. 2, 2013



Aug. 4, 2013

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A family of 8 people can live off 2 kilograms of rice per day. 5 paddy fields will produce about 300 kilograms of rice per harvest, and you can harvest 2 times per year. 2 kilograms of rice per day costs about 8000 rupiah, which is about 78 US cents. An average wage is around 4 US dollars per day.

June 19, 2013


June 10, 2013


Deviator, the show I worked on with PVI Collective and friends, is playing in Sydney, Australia starting tomorrow night. Get in there, tickets sell fast!

May 16, 2013

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Found: two lettuces, one fennel plant.

Picked: one bucket of olives (now salting), one bucket lemons, several mandarins, four unripened avocados, one handful spring onion sprigs,

Planted: several lettuces, several broccoli plants.

Still haven't got those chickens.