Jan. 23, 2016


I am playing algorithmic rave music at Rhetoric in Western Australia.

  • February 5th, 2016
  • Game city { Raine Square / Perth Train Station }
  • Doors open 6pm
  • $10 Entry
  • Free arcade games
  • With: chr15m, cbat, marko maric, atomsmasha, kataplexia, amnesia, polite society & free arcade games.


Dec. 24, 2015


"An astronaut stranded on an alien planet, with only a few minutes left to live."

Orchids to Dusk had a powerful effect on me.

I dreamed about the game the night after playing it.

The creative power of code is the microwave background radiation of my subconscious and this game made me notice it again in a visceral way.


Dec. 16, 2015

Over the weekend I built a tiny game for Ludum Dare #34. Here it is:

Instructions: grow the white square's heart by clicking and dragging to the other squares.

Link to the game here.

Source code here.

Play/review/rate it here.

Dec. 11, 2015

Zero Asset Game Mockup

A "zero asset game" is a game that does not use any external art assets.

Game art is instead generated procedurally or by using artifacts of the rendering environment.

The following is a screenshot of a tiny game engine I built a little while ago in ClojureScript.

Tiny CLJS Game Engine Screenshot

The renderer runs on Facebook's React library so it is just a couple of lines of code.

I've spread it over several lines here for readability:

; DOM "scene grapher"
[:div {:id "game-board"}
      (fn [[id e]]
        [:div {:class (str "sprite c" (:color e))
           :key id
           :style (compute-position-style e)
           :on-click (fn [ev] (sfx/play :blip))}
        (:symbol e)])
      (:entities @game-state)))]

The sprites are utf8 characters which are instantiated like this:

(make-entity {:symbol "◍"
              :color 0
              :pos [-20 300]
              :angle 0
              :behaviour behaviour-rock})

The function behaviour-rock here gets called once per frame and returns the new immutable entity-state for the next frame.

When you click on something the blip sound is generated procedurally in the browser using jsfxr.

Nov. 8, 2015

Fubbles title screen

This is a video game I made for Scout to help her practice using a gamepad.

Play it! You'll need at least one gamepad and Firefox or Chrome.

  • It's hard to find nice games that fit the search "two player gamepad-enabled couch-co-op suitable for four year olds".

  • Game design for a four year old is quite nuanced. To make a fun game without all of the normal risk reward mechanics basically comes down to "make rude noises".

  • It's 360 lines of ClojureScript, rendered in the browser DOM with React. It took me a handful of evenings over a period of one month to develop.

  • I don't play many games, but the gamepad is probably my favourite human-computer interface.

Fubbles title screen

Source code: https://github.com/chr15m/fubbles/


infinitelives Logo

Fubbles is the first game I have made using the new infinitelives ClojureScript library for game development that my friend Crispin and I have been building.