April 20, 2009

Wow, huge news. There is finally, after all these years, an awesome free and open source audio playing library for the Nintendo DS and GBA. Hooray! This is big news for me as Looper Advance has been built against the non-Free Krawall library for years now and it's always irked me, quite appart from making the GPL license on Looper Advance invalid, and probably illegal.

Hopefully I'll get a chance to update Looper Advance soon and then I can release it properly as 100% Free Software.

MaxMod appears to be pretty comprehensive in that its API provides for mod-playing, sample-playing, and direct access to streaming buffers. This basically means you can write apps which mix and match all three types of audio playback.


April 18, 2009

Yo, this is a killer live set by Maddest Kings Alive who is also my periodical co-collaborator in Chrism + Fenris whenever we are in the same city. Bit-tune lurve and artfully selected chunky loops, this live set really is The Business!

Also good and recently blogged on Offworld is Leaves by Mattison. It's a wicked irie dub of chiptune source material by the artist.

Who needs the record labels? Not me.

April 13, 2009

Many governments now employ 'internet filters' in order to censor the content which their citizens receive whilst browsing. As expected, China does this, and more suprisingly so does Thailand. Much more unexpectedly, so do the UK and Australia, as well as Denmark, and a host of other countries that should know better.

Whilst I can see the need for secrecy and censorship in certain very marginal cases, censorship is in general a bad idea, and this particular form of censorship is ridiculous and arbitrary. Much better is an educated citizenry who are free to decide their own morality and life choices. The Australian government for example has, at the request of some fringe nut, banned access to an anti-abortion site, and a site that has published a list of the sites censored by the Danish government, and also images of the band Hanson, and the website of a Queensland dentist (say what?). The UK government restricted access to a Wikipedia page recently because of a picture that some unaccountable, hypersensitive, parent run NGO found contained an objectionable image. The image was a low resolution scan of an album cover from the 1970s by the rock band The Scorpions. The premise for these bans (child pornography) makes no sense at all since the filters will have no effect at all against the perpetrators and those types of crimes are much better combatted at the source than by censoring the public who are largely uninterested in looking at such sites anyway. In other words, the filters are 100% political props and 0% useful in preventing crimes against children.

The good thing about all of this is that if you don't want the government deciding what you can and can not see on the web, it's extremely easy to route around, which is another reason why they shouldn't even bother: people will just find ways to route around their stupid filters anyway. In order to use one simple method of routing around government web filters you will need to do three things:

  • Get a unix-based server of some sort, hosted in a country where they don't do this type of content-based filtering, such as the United States which has freedom-of-speech laws.
  • Run this simple command on your local machine: ssh -D 8080 -f -C -q -N SERVERIP where SERVERIP is the IP address of your server.
  • Set your browser's proxy to point to a socks 5 proxy at localhost:8080

Getting a unix-based server is extremely easy these days thanks to the abundance of VPSes or Virtual Private Servers. The company I use to host my email and websites is called vpsland and they offer a machine running GNU/Linux for about $15 US per month. I suggest creating a user on your new machine and setting up an ssh-key so that you won't have to enter your password every time you start up your proxy. You can learn the ip address of your new server by typing 'ifconfig' after ssh'ing in to it.

Note that this means that all of your web traffic will now appear to come from the server, not from your local machine. Some geographically sensitive sites will now assume that you are browsing from where your server is located. For example, my server is located in Atlanta, USA, so if I ran a proxy like this it would appear to websites that I was browsing from there, not from here in the UK.

"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." -- Benjamin Franklin

April 10, 2009

Ubuntu GNU/Linux is a nice way to try out Linux, if you're interested.

April 4, 2009

Moose and I are in Barcelona for a couple of weeks while I get properly up to speed on the RjDj iPhone code which I haven't really been involved enough with so far, concentrating mainly as I have on the server side of things. We are really digging Barcelona and its lovely relaxed atmosphere, great food, and amazing buildings everywhere. We have even tried to pick up a little local vocabulary. Today we plan on taking a day trip up to Montserrat by cable car.

The social and server side features I've been working on for the last 5 months for Reality Jockey Ltd. along with the rest of the team, are finally online, co-incident with an update of the main app and the albums being made free for a limited time. This is in huge part due to Andie, who really kept us all focussed and moving constantly towards this target. Live site, at last! Feels great.

This is pretty exciting for me as it's the first time a project that I've been a part of has made it onto the Boing Boing network. Offworld post, yay!

In addition to that, RjDj chose to feature a couple of my scenes, which I worked on in my spare time outside company hours: CanOfBeats, and GhostWave, which has propelled them to into the 'most popular' position on the website. They never would have been finished in time if it was't for Frank and Florian's hard work at the last minute, fixing all my horrible bugs and adding nifty features.

My excitement is only tempered by the fact that I wrote a large amount of the server side code, so if it collapses in a heap under the weight of the ogling internet it's probably my fault. It seems to be holding up alright so far though, with most of the heavy content in Amazon's S3 cloud, and liberal use of FastCGI and LightHTTPd. The backend is mostly written in Django + Python if you'd like to know. Python is a king amongst programming languages and it means that I go to work each day looking forward to writing code instead of dreading null pointers, buffer overflows, lack of type flexibility, arcane syntax, and all of the other horrid issues which plague other popular programming languages.

The other huge piece of amazing tech that I should mention and which makes up probably the bulk of the client side code is the free and Open Source (BSD license) Pure Data DSP patching language by Miller S. Puckette. Whilst not a wonderful general purpose programming language, it does one thing and does it superbly. All of the RjDj scenes are actually just Pd patches with a fancy image or two and some custom externals running.

Good times!