July 8, 2009

Last week Moose and I were in Birmingham for EuroPython 2009. The conference was cool and the food was really good and we met some nice folks over a few beers. The talks I enjoyed the most were Christian Tismer's talk on Psyco, and the keynotes. I am super excited that Psyco is getting the attention it deserves and some very nice looking hardcore under-the-hood architecture improvements. Cory Doctorow did his enjoyable copyfight rant, and Sir Tony Hoare did a wonderful talk about science versus engineering. The science versus engineering aspect of software development has been on my mind a bit recently since I finished reading Recursive Functions of Symbolic Expressions and Their Computation (John McCarthy, 1960), the original LISP paper. That paper has really helped me finally understand how formal mathematics can be really effectively applied to computer programming, and different isomorphic ways of expressing the same program. Because software engineering moves at such a break-neck speed I think we sometimes forget to look back at the science in Computer Science and all of the awesome theoretical work which has been done since the 1960s. You can never have too much science.

After leaving Birmingham we headed out west into the Welsh countryside in a hire car. Wales absolutely blew us away. Our mission was to drive through both national parks and visit a few castles on the way, most of which were built in the 1200s. We stopped at Castell Dinas Bram first, which is a small ruin perched on top of a hill amongst a rolling green landscape punctuated with white housed villages. We had to make a zig zagging walk up a steep hill for 20 minutes, but the climb was definately worth it. What an amazing place. Later on during day one we drove through Snowdonia National Park. Betws-y-coed looked like a nice little town that we'd love to come back and visit some time. Around the region of Llyn Gwynant, the craggy mountains with dark lakes at the bottom of valleys were breathtaking. In the afternoon we arrived at Castell y Bere which was in the middle of nowhere and slightly less ruined than Castell Dinas Bram. On a low hill and surrounded by a ring of high mountains, this place felt very Lord of the Rings-y. Much of Wales did actually, and I guess this is where Tolkien received some of his inspiration.

On the second day we explored the southern part of Wales around Brecon Beacons National Park. We visited Carreg Cennen Castle and Dryslwyn Castle in Llanarthney. Carreg Cennen was the most commercial (there was a shop and you had to pay to see it) but was also the least ruined construction we saw, so it was fun to get a good idea of the types of rooms and the size of the walls of these castles. There was a nice spooky cave at the top of the hill, under the castle, which was the first place I've been which managed to combine a fear of heights with claustrophobia. We were in a tiny dark confined space under ground, but could still look out of the stone windows at an enormous drop over a cliff. Dryslwyn was different again and quite multi-layered as it had been built and re-built throughout the ages. At Dryslwyn I tried to climb a wall and managed to trip over in the process. My excuse is that I have been wearing shoes that are slightly too big for me and it was infact the very end of the toe of my left shoe that caught, which wouldn't have happened if I had been smarter and worn shoes that fit me better. As I reached the top of the wall I managed to get stuck somehow like that, and teetered forward towards the grass, which was a foot below the other side of the wall. Unfortunately I had a camera in one hand, so I couldn't use that hand to stop myself from receiving the full impact of the fall on my face. I don't know what the other hand was doing, but it certainly wasn't there to help me when I needed it most. My knee came to the rescue later, too late, and was completely smeared in mud and grass. Luckily there was a large and well positioned pile of sheep shit to cushion my face from serious injury.

June 29, 2009

This weekend, in between watching Captain Picard versus Gandalf and having a birthday drink, I somehow managed to find some time to work on my web based games library, currently tentatively named 'JSGameSoup'. Click through the image to try out a little demo which uses it:

AsteroidsTNG revision 40

This demo doesn't do that much except let you fly around, but you can see where it's leading, and what the library is basically capable of. The idea is to make a Free Software game development environment which can be trivially deployed to web browsers and portable devices like Android, Nintendo DS, etc. I want to keep it completely free of proprietary technologies so that people don't have to rely on Flash, for example, to develop games for the web and beyond. I am pretty excited with how things are going. So far it seems to work well and speedily with the three majority rendering engines; Gecko, IE, and that KHTML fork that some company started. In other words, the demo runs with acceptible quality and speed on the majority of operating systems in the majority of browsers, with no fiddly tweaking - Hooray! \o/

Even though I've only just started doing it, I am really liking this new way of making and releasing games and game libraries, where I get to release them right here on this blog to you, the three people who read it. :) I really need to set up comments here as well, so I can actually get some feedback on the releases (but please feel free to email me). I think the fact that making games feels fun again, is a very good sign that I'm on the right track.

Anyway, as usual, here is the source code:


or if you are a bazaar user:

bzr branch http://mccormick.cx/dev/jsgamesoup/


or the repo:

bzr branch http://mccormick.cx/dev/AsteroidsTNG/

JSGameSoup is LGPLv3 and AsteroidsTNG is GPLv3.

The code of the Asteroids themselves is quite similar to what I posted before, except that it uses canvas commands now, instead of processingjs commands to draw. Here's the code that drives the ship:

function Ship(world) {
    this.world = world;
    this.world.player = this;
    this.x = gs.width / 2;
    this.y = gs.height / 2;
    this.angle = 0;
    this.speed = 0;
    this.points = [[0, -13], [-7, 7], [7, 7]];
    this.poly = [];
    this.lastsmoke = null;

    this.keyHeld_37 = this.keyDown_37 = function () {
        this.angle -= 0.1;

    this.keyHeld_39 = this.keyDown_39 = function () {
        this.angle += 0.1;

    this.keyDown_38 = function () {
        this.speed = 1;

    this.keyHeld_38 = function () {
        if (this.speed < 3.0)
            this.speed += 0.3;

    this.keyDown = function (keyCode) {

    this.update = function() {
        if (this.speed > 0.1)
            this.speed -= 0.1;
            this.speed = 0;
        this.x = (this.x + this.speed * Math.sin(this.angle) + gs.width) % gs.width;
        this.y = (this.y - this.speed * Math.cos(this.angle) + gs.height) % gs.height;
        for (n=0; n<this.points.length; n++) {
            this.poly[n] = [this.points[n][0] * Math.cos(this.angle) - this.points[n][1] * Math.sin(this.angle) + this.x, this.points[n][0] * Math.sin(this.angle) + this.points[n][1] * Math.cos(this.angle) + this.y];
        if (this.speed && (!gs.inEntities(this.lastsmoke) || gs.distance([this.lastsmoke.x, this.lastsmoke.y], [this.x, this.y]) > 15)) {
            this.lastsmoke = new Smoke(this.x - 9 * Math.sin(this.angle), this.y + 9 * Math.cos(this.angle));

    this.draw = function(c) {
        c.strokeStyle = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 1.0)';

And here is the object/class defining the little smoke particles which come out of the ship:

function Smoke(x, y) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    this.life = 1.0;

    this.draw = function(c) {
        c.strokeStyle = 'rgba(200, 200, 200, ' + this.life + ')';
        c.arc(this.x, this.y, 2, 0, Math.PI*2, true);

    this.update = function() {
        this.life -= 0.08;
        if (this.life < 0)
            this.life = 0.01;

The whole game is launched like this, where gs is the JSGameSoup() object that is automatically created by the framework:

w = new World();
gs.addEntity(new Ship(w));
for (n=0; n<3; n++) {
    gs.addEntity(new Asteroid(w));

To me this code feels like it does quite a lot for just a little bit of work, and that's always nice.

June 19, 2009

There's something about sarien.net that really floats my boat. Maybe it's the 8 bit goodness, or maybe it's the multiplayer twist, or maybe it's the crazy technology they're using. Whatever it is, I think sarien.net is awesome.

sarien.net - King's Quest 3

I love that they use the term DHTML rather than any of the fancy new monikers which Javascript + markup have take on in recent years.

June 17, 2009

Today I was rewarded by NASA for my extreme pedantry.

----- Forwarded message from HQ-Web-Comments HQ-webcomments@nasa.gov -----

From: HQ-Web-Comments HQ-webcomments@nasa.gov To: "chris@mccormick.cx" chris@mccormick.cx Subject: RE: Error on Page

Thank you for your comment. The error is being fixed.

-----Original Message----- From: chris@mccormick.cx [mailto:chris@mccormick.cx] Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2009 11:03 AM To: webcomments@hq.nasa.gov Subject: Error on Page

Sender: Chris McCormick

subjectdropdown: Error on Page

Comments: Hi,

In this blog entry: [http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/imagegallery/image_feature_1390.html] You say that Zircon is 4.4 million years old, when infact it's 4.4 billion years old.

Best regards,


It helps if you read it with the voice of Professor Frink.

June 17, 2009

Whoa, this Creative Commons licensed album by Chun Lee rules so much! How have I not heard this before now? I have met Chun in person once just before he left for Taipei last year, and I already knew he was a great audio artist from the video he made with Olivier Laruelle, which is called 'Glass Cloud' and is also a song from this release. For some reason it's taken me until now to download and listen to the full album.

Anyway, it's really nice stuff. I am blown away by how much great music there is out there now released for free under Creative Commons licenses.