April 30, 2012

I'm excited to let you know that my new EP is out now on UK label ChordPunch!

ChordPunch release cp0x07 - squeakyshoecore ep

It's called squeakyshoecore EP and you can find it in most mp3 shops now. I would really appreciate it if you would give it a review, or tweet/facebook it, do a blog post, give it a listen, or buy it.

Visit the squeakyshoecore page to like/share it on Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus

Any help you can give me getting the word out would be very appreciated.

Thank you so much!

March 9, 2012


Aug. 16, 2011


I'll be playing some squeakyshoecore algorithmic acid this Thursday afternoon at Hermann's Bar at the University of Sydney. I'm on at 5pm. See you there!

Dec. 17, 2010

Here are a couple of interviews I did in preparation for playing squeakyshoecore at the Seriously Sound System festival at Hyde Park, Western Australia, this Saturday the 18th of December, 2010 at 12:40pm.

This is an mp3 of the radio interview I did with Peter Barr for local radio station RTRFM

This is a magazine interview I did for Drum Media Perth; sorry it is a graphic. here is the Flash applet source of this excerpt.


More links:

Nov. 12, 2010

I've recorded the sixth tune, "Oval BA", for the squeakyshoecore algorithmic acid album. Click the shoe to have a listen!

Here are some articles that nice people have written about squeakyshoecore:

To use GarageAcidLab (the engine used to make squeakyshoecore) on your Android phone or on your PC with Pure Data, click here: