Your thumb depresses the microphone button with a soft click. You speak:
"Beep loudly if the pot boils over."
"Send me an SMS when you see the fox in the back yard."
"Count the number of people who walk past every hour and email me a spreadsheet."
"Email me any updates made on the whiteboard."
Watch It For Me is an AI device that can watch things for you. It's a camera you talk to. You press the button and tell it what to do when it sees something happen. It speaks to confirm your request.
Ideally it runs the AI model on-device and doesn't upload anything to the cloud.
I'm not going to make this, but if you want to take the idea and run with it, go for it. This idea belongs to the public domain. If you want implementation or design advice I'm happy to consult. An ideal outcome would be Eric Migicovsky building this!