Nov. 18, 2009

A building with inflatable tentacles coming out of the windows

Name                Chris McCormick
Registration Number xxxxx
Destination         Fremantle
Number of Boxes     2

Box - 1

Number Description                                     Purchased Value
8      Books                                           UK        40
15     Books                                           Australia 20
2      Art prints                                      UK        75
4      Clothes                                         Australia 10
2      Vinyl beanbag covers                            UK        50
1      Pack of business cards                          Australia 0
1      Clock                                           UK        14
1      Air mattress pump (electric)                    UK        5
1      Midi controller (electronic musical instrument) Australia 75
1      Blanket                                         UK        4
1      Drum machine (electronic musical instrument)    UK        50

Box - 2

Number Description                                     Purchased Value
2      Books                                           Australia 10
2      Handbags                                        UK        20
9      Pairs of shoes                                  Australia 60
20     Clothes                                         Australia 20
1      Hat                                             UK        4
2      Plastic toy pidgeon                             UK        5
4      Vinyl records (bowie)                           UK        4
10     Photos (personal)                               UK        0
5      Theatre programmes (personal)                   UK        0
10     Fridge magnets (personal)                       Australia 0
16     Birthday/Christmas/Anniversary cards (personal) UK        0

A statue of a video game character

So long, London. Until next time!

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