Nov. 24, 2017

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I just finished another sketchbook.

Recently a friend linked me to The Etherington Brothers and I've been doing their tutorials.

Lately I've been concentrating on plants.

Oct. 17, 2017

Hand drawn technological artifact in the style of Scott Robertson

In the style of this guy in the style of Scott Robertson space ship sketches.

Oct. 11, 2017

A non-exhaustive list of technologies that I used this year which happen to be built by women:

I feel grateful to these people for enriching technology with their contributions.

Sept. 12, 2017


Some mountains I copied from some website.

Sept. 4, 2017

Cloud Notepad on the Desktop

I love this piece of software and I use it every day. It is a simple note taking application which syncs across all of your devices. It is a self-hosted single-page web app that runs on a PHP server and does not require a database.

Cloud Notepad on the Desktop

I run a copy on my phone and a copy on my laptop.

The app was built by Kaspars Dambis and I forked it to modify the design and add some usability tweaks like ctrl-S to force sync. You can find the source code of my fork on GitHub if you want to install it yourself.